(With)in or (With)out - The Significances of Borders and Boundaries: Binnen of Buiten - de Betekenis van Grenzen en Begrenzingen | 's Hertogenbosch, Noord Brabant, Netherlands |

Though the paintings invite intimacy, Dickerson’s painting also spearheads a journey as vast as deserts as he engages with eternal questions of space and being. 

( 's Hertogenbosch, Netherlands) - From May 24 to June 20, the art space of the Milk Factory presents a group exhibition titled (With)in or (With)out - The Significances of Borders and Boundaries with a work by Brian Dickerson. Dickerson's painting Vroman is structured from aggregated surfaces, rich with energetic brushwork, that envelope built-in elements. These constructed ridges create sharp shadows that change as the viewer’s gaze shifts from left to right, and from up to down. The raised edges act as bridges, buttresses and apertures that at once tip and balance as their silhouettes continuously change with the ambient light. Lengthening and shortening shadows invite meditation as the viewer dwells in the crevasses only to emerge again to travel nimbly between narrow ledges and mysterious angles. Though the paintings invite intimacy, Dickerson’s painting also spearheads a journey as vast as deserts as he engages with eternal questions of space and being. 


Brian Dickerson has had numerous solo exhibitions both internationally at Ballinglen Arts Foundation,(Ballycastle, Ireland) and nationally at Kouros Gallery and OK Harris (NYC, NY), Institute of Man and Science (Rensselaerville, NY), Bill Lowe Gallery (Atlanta, GA), Benjamin Mangel Gallery and Seraphin Gallery, (Philadelphia, PA), West Chester University, (West Chester, PA), and the Museum at the University of Wyoming, (Laramie, WY), among others. He has also been featured in many group exhibitions including the Delaware Art Museum, American University Museum - Katzen Art Center (Wash. D.C.) the Woodmere Museum and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, (Phila. PA). Dickerson has been the recipient of many awards notably a Franz and Virginia Bader Fund Grant and a Ballinglen Foundation Fellowship. Brian Dickerson has an upcoming 2023 solo exhibition at Lightforms (Hudson. N.Y.) and abroad in 's Hertogenbosch, Netherlands (May 24 - June 20, 2023).


Van 27 mei tot 20 juni presenteert de kunstruimte van de Melk Fabriek een groepstentoonstelling getiteld "Binnen of Buiten – de Betekenis van Grenzen en Begrenzingen" met een werk van Brian Dickerson. Dickersons schilderij "Vroman" is opgebouwd uit geaggregeerde oppervlakken, rijk aan energieke penseelvoering, die ingebouwde elementen omhullen. Deze geconstrueerde richels creëren scherpe schaduwen die veranderen naarmate de blik van de kijker van links naar rechts en van boven naar beneden verschuift. De opstaande randen fungeren als bruggen, steunberen en openingen die tegelijk kantelen en balanceren terwijl hun silhouetten voortdurend veranderen met het omgevingslicht. Langer wordende en korter wordende schaduwen nodigen uit tot meditatie terwijl de kijker in de spleten vertoeft om vervolgens weer tevoorschijn te komen om behendig tussen smalle richels en mysterieuze hoeken te reizen. Hoewel de schilderijen uitnodigen tot intimiteit, vormt het schilderij van Dickerson ook de speerpunt van een reis zo uitgestrekt als woestijnen terwijl hij zich bezighoudt met eeuwige vragen over ruimte en zijn.

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