MILLICENT YOUNG: In the Silence Between
On View June 5
"Veteran artist Millicent Young has lived in a number of places—including decades in rural Virginia, and now upstate New York she has pursued a highly creative, highly autonomous career. Her wall works, an amalgam of resonant materials nearly Shaker-like in their austerity and beauty, owe their spiritual reach to the horsehair and muted metal she makes use of."
Nearly biblical if also abstract, this work suggests some sort of ancient conundrum--the string enters into space from within a darkness whose meaning we can only intuit. (We remember that in Genesis, darkness preceded light, not symbolizing the ending of life--but rather, its start.) Then the sculpture named In the Absence of Fear dramatizes our understanding of something breaking open, under extraordinary pressure: a piece of brown fur barely escaping the cracks of four iron-oxide panels, surrounded by a steel, variegated frame. The primal emotions associated with these works are accentuated by their titles’ drama, meant to install within the viewer an abstract imagistic power...In conversation Young has emphasized that these works are not memorials. Instead, they are introductions to the state of being that immediately precedes existence. So they are not endpoints but beginnings. Usually we conceive of darkness as something final, but in these enigmatic works, they are introductions to the future. Thus Young mines the dichotomy between darkness and light to create art abstract and myth-like, attaining significant meaning.
--Jonathan Goodman for White Hot Magazine
cantos for the anthropocene 22 - 29 @ Millicent Young 2017
in the absence of fear © Millicent Young 2020
cantos for the anthropocene 15 - 16 © Millicent Young 2017
cantos for the anthropocene 11-13 © Millicent Young 2017
psalm for listening -umbilicus © Millicent Young 2020
to enter into what is there © Millicent Young 2020
Millicent Young , psalm for unknowing 1, 2020
Millicent Young , psalm for unknowing 2, 2020
Millicent Young , psalm for unknowing 3, 2020
Millicent Young , psalm for unknowing 4, 2020
7 Lines and 16 chords: an arrangement for healing © Millicent Young 2021-2022
7 Lines and 16 chords: an arrangement for healing © Millicent Young 2021-2022
photo: Pete Mauney 2022
Detail - 7 Lines and 16 chords: an arrangement for healing © Millicent Young 2021-2022
photo: Pete Mauney 2022
7 Lines and 16 chords: an arrangement for healing (detail 1) © Millicent Young 2021-2022
cantos for the anthropocene 11-13 (left) in the absence of fear (right)
photo: Pete Mauney 2022
psalm for unknowing 1 - 4 (far left)
psalm for listening: umbilicus (left)
cantos for the anthropocene 15 - 16 (center)
to enter into what is there (right)
Photo: Pete Mauney 2022
cantos for the anthropocene 11-13 (left) in the absence of fear (center)
cantos for the anthropocene 22 - 29 (right)
photo: Pete Mauney 2022
psalm for listening: umbilicus (left)
cantos for the anthropocene 15 - 16 (center)
to enter into what is there (right)
cantos for the anthropocene 22 - 29 @ Millicent Young 2017
psalm for unknowing 1-4 © Millicent Young 2020
Millicent Young - Remains v3 from myoung on Vimeo.