Gallery Castello925 opens registration for the next workshop: an opportunity to discover new ways of knowing, seeing, and feeling through contact with art.
The workshop will open with a tour of Bobbie Moline-Kramer's Power of One exhibition hosted at Castello925's main gallery located at Fondamenta S. Giuseppe, Castello 925.
The artist will then discuss her process and vision behind these paintings based on the personal astrological charts of important people who have made a difference in the world.
Lastly, the audience will have the opportunity to participate in a collective discussion on feelings, thoughts, and emotions arising from encounters with the works on display. Gallery Founder Dr. Luca Caldironi will mediate the dialogue.
California-based artist Bobbie Moline-Kramer's exhibition The Power of One is an installation that spans both time and space using the study of constellations as a touchstone. The astrological profiles of various heroic individuals were selected because of their courage to make a difference in the world. Using 16th-century glazing and gilding techniques, Moline-Kramer incises unique sky charts particular to each leader with the same precision that antique celestial maps were prepared and painted by Italian and Dutch Renaissance masters.
For info and bookings, please indicate First Name, Last Name, and number of participants by writing to galleria@castello925.com or calling +39 391 451 8640.
Castello925: https://www.castello925.com/about-us